The immune system and cancer Cancer Research UK

Some cells of the immune system can recognise cancer cells as abnormal and kill them. But this may not be enough to get rid of a cancer … See more

Actived: 3 days ago


Can stress cause cancer

WebNo, being stressed doesn’t directly increase the risk of cancer. The best quality studies have followed up many people for several years. They have found no evidence that those who …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Beating cancer by improving the public’s health: the road ahead in …

WebThat’s where Public Health England (PHE) comes in. The organisation plays a key role in protecting and improving the health of England’s 56 million people, as well …

Category:  Health Go Health

Examination of your prostate Tests and scans

WebThe doctor or nurse will ask you to take off your clothes on your lower half, including underwear. You’ll lie on your left hand side, with your knees brought up towards …

Category:  Health Go Health

How does processed meat cause cancer and how much matters

WebEating 79 grams of red and processed meat a day caused 14 extra cases of bowel cancer per 10,000 people. These figures are just for the independent effect of …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

UK health inequalities: 20,000 more cancer cases a year in the …

WebBut inequalities in the UK affect more than our risk from COVID-19, they’re intricately entwined with all aspects of our health, including cancer. New figures released today …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

How chemotherapy works Cancer in general Cancer Research UK

WebHow chemotherapy works. Chemotherapy circulates throughout your body in the bloodstream. So it can treat cancer cells almost anywhere in the body. This is known as …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Can eating burnt foods cause cancer

WebNo. Acrylamide from burnt toast, burnt chips, or crispy potatoes is unlikely to increase the risk of cancer. You might’ve read about a possible link between acrylamide and cancer. …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

What is prehabilitation

WebPrehabilitation (prehab) means getting ready for cancer treatment in whatever time you have before it starts. It is a programme of support and advice that some NHS hospitals are …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Be Clear on Cancer Cancer Research UK

WebThe Be Clear on Cancer programme was developed in response to the Department of Health's 'Improving Outcomes - A strategy for Cancer', which set out how it will seek to …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Why diet is important Cancer Research UK

WebEating and drinking a balanced diet is important when you have cancer. It can help you feel better. You may have more energy and it could help you cope better with your cancer …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Is vaping harmful

WebSome potentially harmful chemicals have been found in e-cigarettes. But levels are usually low and generally far lower than in tobacco cigarettes. There is no good evidence that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Symptoms of metastatic prostate cancer Cancer Research UK

WebSymptoms of prostate cancer that has spread to or near the bladder. Large tumours in the prostate can press on the urethra and spread to the bladder. You might find that you: …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Mental health during and after cancer treatment

WebAfter a cancer diagnosis, some people living with a mental health problem have experienced: triggering of previous trauma or mental health symptoms. an increase in …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Treatment for fluid on the lung (pleural effusion) Coping …

WebIn between the pleura is the pleural space. It's normal to have a thin layer of fluid in this space. This helps the lungs to move easily when you breathe in and out. Cancer cells …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Survival of bladder cancer Cancer Research UK

WebSurvival for all stages of bladder cancer. Generally, for people diagnosed with bladder cancer in England: around 75 out of every 100 (around 75%) survive their cancer for 1 …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

What is the PSA test

WebProstate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by both normal and cancerous prostate cells. It's normal for all men to have some PSA in their blood. A high …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Testing for blood in your poo using FIT

WebFIT (Faecal Immunochemical Test) is a test that looks for blood in a sample of your poo. It looks for tiny traces of blood that you might not be able to see and which could be a sign …

Category:  Health Go Health