Mental Health And Heatwaves

Listing Websites about Mental Health And Heatwaves

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Mental Health and Stress-Related Disorders - CDC

(6 days ago) People also askHow does a heat wave affect mental health?When the body attempts to regulate its temperature during a heat wave, he said, it adds additional strain and results in more stress and inflammation. People with pre-existing mental health conditions may be especially vulnerable to the added heat stress, which can push their symptoms over the top, he said.How Heat Waves Take a Toll on Mental Health (Published 2022)nytimes.comHow can elderly people stay cool and comfortable during heat waves and avoid heat stress?Dr. ANUVITHA KAMATH,factor%20for%20hospitalization%20and%20death%20during%20heat%20waves.

Category:  Mental health Show Health

How Extreme Heat Impacts Your Brain TIME

(7 days ago) WEBTwitter sees hate tweets and online aggression increase during heatwaves, a mental health expert at Georgetown University’s Department of Global Health.

Category:  Mental health Show Health

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