Anxiety Anonymous

Welcome to Anxiety Anonymous, a nurturing and supportive online community designed for individuals dealing with anxiety. In this safe and anonymous space, you’ll find understanding, empathy, and connection at every turn. Our platform is a sanctuary where you can freely share your experiences and gain valuable insights, all while being

Actived: 9 days ago


A Guide to Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

WebIntroduction. From generalized anxiety disorder to social anxieties and phobias, the spectrum is wide and the impacts varied. This comprehensive guide aims to …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Create an Anxiety Safety Plan

WebMake a list of these triggers as the first element in your safety plan. 2. Early Warning Signs. Document the early symptoms that indicate you’re starting to get …

Category:  Health Go Health

Anxiety and Diet: What's the Connection

WebIntroduction. Feeling anxious? You’re not alone. Anxiety is an emotional state that nearly everyone encounters at some point. The fast-paced world we live in …

Category:  Health Go Health

OCD and Relationships: Navigating the Challenges

WebObsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or thoughts …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Link Between Anxiety and Chronic Pain

WebChronic pain, defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks, can have a significant impact on your mental well-being. Simultaneously, anxiety, characterized by …

Category:  Health Go Health

Medication for Anxiety: The Pros and Cons

WebIntroduction. In a world that seems to move faster by the day, anxiety is an issue that is increasingly coming to the forefront of mental health conversations.

Category:  Health Go Health

Program Review: The Linden Method

WebThe Linden Method is a widely recognized self-help program specifically designed for people suffering from anxiety disorders. It aims to address and eliminate the …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Science of Panic Attacks: A Deeper Dive

WebDisclaimer . The information in this article and associated resources is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Program Review: End The Anxiety

WebIntroduction. End The Anxiety is a digital self-help program created by Dennis Simsek, targeting individuals suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) …

Category:  Health Go Health

Social Media and Anxiety: The Modern Dilemma

WebIntroduction. In an era where digital interactions often surpass face-to-face conversations, social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn …

Category:  Health Go Health

Program Review: Panic Away

WebThe Panic Away program focuses primarily on conquering panic attacks and general anxiety. The program is renowned for its unique 21-7 Technique, which is …

Category:  Health Go Health

Book Review: Unf*ck Yourself by Gary John Bishop

WebIntroduction. “Unf*ck Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life” is a self-help book by Gary John Bishop, aimed at empowering readers to overcome self …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Do Therapists Always Ask About Your Childhood

WebThe brain is a fascinating organ that continues to develop into early adulthood. Childhood experiences, especially stressful or traumatic ones, can impact …

Category:  Health Go Health

Book Review: “The Worry Trick” by David A. Carbonell, PhD

WebIntroduction. This insightful book, “The Worry Trick,” authored by David A. Carbonell, PhD, offers a fresh perspective on understanding and managing anxiety.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Talking Therapy May Not be Right For You

WebIntroduction: Weighing the Options. The notion that talking therapy is a one-size-fits-all solution to mental health issues is a misconception that many of us have.

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Anxiety – Anxiety Anonymous

WebIn many cases anxiety disorder ultimately evolves into health anxiety, this forum is for all discussion on this type of anxiety.

Category:  Health Go Health

Managing Climate Anxiety: 5 Effective Strategies

WebConcerns about the future of our environment, driven by increasing awareness of rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Book Review: “Anxiety is an Illusion” by Detlef Beeker

WebIntroduction “Anxiety is an Illusion” is a thought-provoking book by Detlef Beeker that delves into the complex world of anxiety and mental health.

Category:  Health Go Health