Why Online Education Can Help Mental Health

Online Education Can Provide Positives for Mental Health. Some students can be school-phobic and reluctant to attend school, particularly during the pandemic. Online education provides the potential for learners to continue their education at their own pace and learn in an environment where they do not feel threatened, physically or mentally.

Actived: 9 days ago


Common barriers to learning and how to eradicate them

WEBBarrier 1: Motivation. A student’s learning ability depends largely on motivation. An individual’s desire to achieve results and improve knowledge (regardless of material …

Category:  Health Go Health

How exercise can affect a student’s academic performance

WEBAccording to the CDC in the USA, “…physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic behavior, all of which are important …

Category:  Health Go Health

Assessing and tracking students accurately and continuously

WEBThe EDClass platform allows you to track and monitor the progress of an individual, class, target group or year group. It provides: A platform where any type of …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Is Visual Learning

WEBVisual learning is one of three different types of learning styles. The visual learning style means that people need to see information to learn it. This can take the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Issues In Education – Time To Improve

WEBHaving regular wellbeing meetings with those who are at most risk could go a long way to help minimise issues. 1. Implement wellbeing, safeguarding and regular …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Diet Can Affect Learning And Memory

WEBGreek yoghurt. The full fat variety only. This can give the brain cells a good boost, but also keeps them protected and healthy. Fat is vital to brain health but in …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Effect Of A Healthy Lifestyle On Education

WEBReading time: 3 minutes Healthy eating and its link to lifestyle is a subject which should be instilled in students at all Key Stages. It’s often difficult to know that the …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 ways to promote a more inclusive learning environment

WEB2. Combine inclusive with positive. The learning environment that a child enters needs to be safe, calm, orderly and ultimately positive. Once this is solidified, a …

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Encourage Participation In Parents' Evenings

WEBLay the groundwork well ahead of time. Expectations…come that pivotal parents’ evening, they matter. Make sure your pupils’ parents know what to expect and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Importance of positively reintegrating students back into school

WEBEDClass works closely with schools and MATs to establish a concrete stream of communication on the progress of students. To book a free online demonstration, call …

Category:  Health Go Health

Alternative Provision: The Current Landscape

WEBReading time: 4 minutes Alternative Provision (AP) is a type of education that is delivered to students outside of a traditional school setting. It plays a crucial role in the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Safeguarding: how to ensure your child is safeguarded at home

WEBSchools play an essential role in protecting children from abuse. Your school can safeguard children ( according to the NSPCC) by: Creating a safe environment for …

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Set Up A Nature Club At Your School

WEBWe look at how to set up a nature club. Recently we discussed how nature can have a positive impact on academic performance. Just 20 minutes in a natural …

Category:  Health Go Health

Safeguarding: teacher and student interaction via social media

WEBReading time: 3 minutes. The majority of schools now have in place safeguarding rules for acceptable behaviour and teacher-student interaction on social …

Category:  Health Go Health

Using Sport To Boost Numeracy Skills

WEBHaving students understand these fractions is an easy way to boost their numeracy skills. For example: If a student is watching a rugby match then they will learn …

Category:  Health Go Health

Educational Games Can Provide Great Benefits

WEBGames offer great educational benefits as well as entertainment. Educational games can be used as a valuable resource to help with a child’s cognitive …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to engage disenfranchised parents with their child’s education

WEBEDClass staff can even arrange meetings with parents to show them the platform and organise a plan for their child. If you would like to learn more about what …

Category:  Health Go Health