
The Busy Mom Gets Fit Diet: An 8 Week Plan

Now that you have a target number to shoot for, it’s a good idea to track your calories for a while until you get in a rhythm of eating at this level or until you reach your goals. This may be as little as one week or as long as a couple months. I recommend using an … See more

Actived: 7 days ago

URL: https://www.busymomgetsfit.com/new-blog/2018/4/10/the-busy-mom-gets-fit-diet-an-8-week-getting-started-plan

Nutrition — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebMost of those diets did work short term. I was able to reach the competition stage. I made it through one week of keto and maybe even one week of meal prep (before I got tired of what I’d prepped on Sunday!). If you are like me, you’ve tried many diets and then you felt like a failure if you couldn’t stick to them long term.

Category:  Health Go Health

No Time to Exercise

WebOne of the biggest challenges facing busy moms--or any women with hectic lives--who want to get fit is that it seems like there’s no time to exercise when your schedule already looks full. A workout plan is a necessity, in more ways than one! It might mean formulating a strategy yourself, after you’ve researched exercise types, different

Category:  Health Go Health

Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebI’ll be there to support you along the way with calls, exercise form support, nutrition, and even live stream workouts. Busy Mom Gets Fit, Valerie Solomon, teaches busy women how to get fit, how to build muscle, and how to work out with downloadable fitness workout plans and tips. Exercise fitness routine for busy moms.

Category:  Nutrition,  Fitness Go Health

You Don’t Need a “New You”: Just Take Good Care of the Current …

WebBody Shaming is always in season for some people, but January 1st often heralds a special time in the push to capitalize on women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies; headlines shout, “NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!”, the gyms fill up, and magazines and blogs everywhere explode with suggestions on taking off th

Category:  Health Go Health

Everyone Needs to Strength TrainAnd Everyone Needs a …

WebYes, the best form of exercise is one that you love and do consistently, but there’s plenty of evidence that finding a workout plan for strength training and/or weight lifting and sticking to it is crucial. For everyone. Running may give you that endorphin rush and sense of accomplishment, or yog

Category:  Health Go Health


Web1. BLAME ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS ON OTHERS. 2. COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING. 3. DO NOT BE GRATEFUL. 1. The blame game. We expect to hear it from our children, but as adults, we can do better.

Category:  Health Go Health

What Does “Being Fit” Really Mean

WebIn the world of physical health, a “fitness” plan or mindset isn’t easily quantifiable. There are markers that a doctor might use to measure fitness, and they may include BMI charts or self reports about activity levels. Stress tests can determine certain limitations, and you can measure oxygen cap

Category:  Fitness Go Health

This is Your Brain on Exercise — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebStudies showcasing the various physical benefits of different types and intensities of exercise are plentiful. Reduced risks of various health issues, improved sleep…but the mental benefits may not be as well touted or known, even though a recent University of British Columbia study suggests that th

Category:  Health Go Health

Get Started — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebYou will have 1-2 all-natural nutrition packed shakes + nutrition to help with the effects of stress, boost metabolism, and aid digestion. You will also enjoy the foods you love. I’ll help guide you. You will work with me directly to come up with the best schedule that works for you to best detox your body and get lasting health and weight

Category:  Nutrition,  Food Go Health

Yes, This Again: Why Water is Important — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebAll of these advantages of increased water intake aside, there’s also one for those of us who work out with an eye towards building muscle. The basic practice of regular exercise (for example, extensive cardio) requires a little more water than the average bear takes in, to replenish fluids lost through perspiration, but weightlifting and other exercise …

Category:  Health Go Health

7 Things You Can do Now to Create Time to Work Out

WebLike making any lasting change, finding time to work out requires a bit of planning, a bit of discipline, and a sometimes a shift in mindset to sticking to your new routine. But you are worth it, momma! Hopefully a few of these ideas will help you squeeze in a few workouts each week.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Science (Not Fiction) of a Flat Tummy — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebNotice the piece of connective tissue running down the middle, and how it holds the two six-pack muscles (“rectus abdominis”) together. These ab muscles then sit on top of a deeper layer of ab muscles called the “transverse ab”. It’s this deeper layer of muscle that was stretched (and stretched) when our stomach grew (and grew) as we …

Category:  Health Go Health

Should You Quit Running to Chase Your Goal Body

Web"That was my A-HA moment; running was a means to an end… an approach to weight loss but it was not making me FIT."

Category:  Health Go Health

No Motivation to Exercise or Eat Better

WebWe want to look good. But really, that is trivial.  It’s second.  It’s just a detail to the much bigger picture.  At times in your life when you are unmotivated, remember that the biggest reason  for exercise and eating well is your  HEALTH!

Category:  Health Go Health

Curious About Fitness Competitions

WebBelow are the categories for women in many fitness competition federations. Bikini. The least muscular of all categories, but still very fit. This category is perfect for women who want to showcase their fit physique in a sexy way. “Sexy,” “sassy,” “fun,” and “energy” are all words that describe this category.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

2018 Girl Power Play List: Empowering Songs for Women

WebEvery summer, I host a fitness and empowerment camp for women called Camp GORGO #campgorgo (through my other company - an online publication and community, GORGO Magazine).Women come from all over North America to centrally located Elizabethtown, KY for an epic girls weekend filled with fitness training, mindset …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

You are not Unmotivated, You are Exhausted — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebBy Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit. “You are not lazy, unmotivated, or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode, you are exhausted. There is a difference.”. - Nakeia Homer. I love this quote I came across recently.

Category:  Health Go Health

Long Term Fit Mom: 3 Common Traits — Busy Mom Gets Fit

WebIt isn’t a magic workout plan that keeps us motivated.  We aren’t super human.  There are days that we want to skip the workout.  There are many days that we do skip!  But it wasn’t the workout’s fault.  It was our mental state.  We were feeling

Category:  Health Go Health