Essential Information About Feline Nutrition

WebA balanced feline nutrition is very essential for the overall well-being of cats. Just like us, even cats require a balanced and nutritious

Actived: 8 days ago


Cat Information and Facts

WebThey spend about 50% of their daytime in grooming. Grooming is done by using their barbed tongue to clean themselves. Never cut cat whiskers as they use their …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cat Vaccinations To Prevent Ailments That Can Affect Your Cats

WebJust like us humans, cats also need to take or follow a vaccination schedule to prevent certain diseases that may affect them. These cat vaccinations are a great boon for them …

Category:  Health Go Health

What do Cats Eat for Good Health

WebDO NOT FEED CATS chocolate, alcohol, garlic, milk based products, onions, tuna in large quantities, caffeine based foods, raisins, avocado, nuts, grapes, regular …

Category:  Food Go Health

Turkish Van: The Beautiful Swimming Cat from Turkey

WebIt is known for its beautiful markings and its fondness for swimming. It is a semi-longhaired breed that originates from the Lake Van area of Turkey. This breed is …

Category:  Health Go Health

8 Top Tips on Cat Care For Cat Owners

WebCat Care. Are you new to owning a cats and are worried about how to take care of cats? You need not worry as you are not the only one going through this. Any …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cashmere Cat: The Exotic and Longhaired Cat

WebCashmere or Kashmir cat is a name that is extensively used for the longhair variety of Bengal cat. Cashmere cat is a domestic cat breed well-known for its attractive …

Category:  Health Go Health

Tiffany Cat: A Silky Agouti Haired Cat

WebTiffany cat is also called as Chantilly. Tiffany is a very attractive cat with silky, long hair and possessing a shaded coat color of a Burmese cat. This cat breed is derived by cross …

Category:  Health Go Health

6 Plants Cats Can Eat Without Affecting Them

WebGoldenseal is a herb that is extremely useful and beneficial for your cat. It works as a natural disinfectant on wounds. If given in combination with saline, goldenseal …

Category:  Health Go Health

Know more about Tabby Cat Personality & Characteristic

WebThe tabby pattern is found in many different cat breeds as well as in various mixed breed cat population. The feature that is very unique to the tabby cat, which is the distinctive …

Category:  Health Go Health

Calico Cat Breeds The Tri-Color and Gorgeous Cat

WebThe average life expectancy of calico cats is 15 years. If you are looking for a purebred cat and if that happens to be a calico, then the cost of the cat will depend on …

Category:  Health Go Health

20 Small Cat Breeds That Stay Small and Cuddly

WebThe standout feature of this cat breed is their bluish gray coat that is short and their shiny green eyes. Weighing about 7 to 12 pounds the Russian Blues are considered medium …

Category:  Health Go Health

Sand Cat Facts and Personality

WebSand Dune Cats weigh between 4 to 8 pounds and can reach lengths of 30-35 inches. They have dense and soft fur that is gray or light brown in color on the top. …

Category:  Health Go Health

4 Sweet Little Tiny Cat Breeds That Stay Tiny Among All Cat Breeds

WebThe Cornish Rex is hypoallergenic because of its short hair. Some tiny cat breeds like the tea cup and miniature cats are not recognized cat breeds. Tiny cat breeds are very …

Category:  Health Go Health

15 Some Interesting Facts About Cat Paws

Web13. Cat paws are unique like a fingerprint. On a closer look, the cat’s paws tend to have tiny grooves that are similar to the fingerprints found in humans. Cat paws …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cat Allergies in Toddlers and How to Identify Them

WebThe symptoms are watery eyes, runny nose, itching, continuous sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and symptoms of asthma. It has been noticed that most asthma has …

Category:  Health Go Health