Is China’s Health Care Meeting the Needs of its People

As the standard of living and life expectancy have risen, new challenges have emerged. In 2019, there were 176 million people aged 65 years and older, making up 12.6 … See more

Actived: 4 days ago


How Robust is China’s Health Security

WEBBetween 2002 and 2018, government spending on health care jumped from just $11 billion to more than $247.9 billion. Overall spending on health care across the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Global Health Security Index ChinaPower Project

WEBThe Global Health Security Index assesses countries’ health security and capabilities across six categories, 34 indicators, and 85 sub-indicators. The findings are based on …

Category:  Health Go Health

Healthcare Access and Quality Index

WEBThe Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index was developed by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 1 The index assesses personal …

Category:  Health Go Health

Examining China’s Influence in the World Health Organization

WEBIn this episode, Dr. Jeremy Youde joins us to discuss China’s evolving role in the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Youde outlines how China’s contributions to the WHO …

Category:  Health Go Health

international organizations Archives

WEBIn this episode, Dr. Jeremy Youde joins us to discuss China’s evolving role in the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Youde outlines how China’s contributions to the WHO …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Severe Are China’s Demographic Challenges

WEBMore recently, China’s rapid economic development has fueled higher spending on healthcare. In 2000, healthcare spending in China totaled just $55 billion, but by 2021 …

Category:  Health Go Health

Developing or Developed

WEBGlobal Life Expectancy Since 1990. Life expectancy is a key social development indicator that provides an important summary of mortality conditions within countries. China has …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Does Education in China Compare with Other Countries

WEBEI values vary widely across China. In 2014, Beijing enjoyed a high EI of 0.854, which closely matches that of Iceland (0.853), an OECD country that ranks sixth on the Human …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is Air Quality in China a Social Problem

WEBIn China, rapid industrialization has wrought intense levels of air pollution that present serious social, economic, and political problems. China’s leaders have responded with …

Category:  Health Go Health

Wuhan Goes Viral ChinaPower Project

WEBIn this episode, Dr. Yanzhong Huang joins us to discuss China’s efforts to control the spread of a coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China. Dr. Huang analyzes …

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

Unpacking China's GDP

WEBEconomic forecasters devote considerable attention to predicting China’s future economic growth, but unforeseen events can significantly shift the outcomes of forecasts. 2 In April …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Well-off is China’s Middle Class

WEBThe Rise of China’s Middle Class . Decades of economic development have fueled a massive increase in incomes in China. China’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is China Succeeding at Eradicating Poverty

WEBIn late 2015, the Chinese government officially committed to eradicating poverty by 2020 – in time to mark the centennial of the CCP’s establishment in 2021. The government …

Category:  Health Go Health

Chinese Budget Revenue and Expenditure ChinaPower Project

WEBChina’s Ministry of Finance publishes regular data on the government’s spending and revenue. While difficult to parse, the data provides important insights into China’s …

Category:  Health Go Health

Do Women in China Face Greater Inequality than Women Elsewhere

WEBOther health indicators, such as the maternal mortality rate, also reflect positive change. According to the World Bank, China has dramatically lowered its maternal mortality ratio …

Category:  Health Go Health

Making Sense of China’s Government Budget

WEBChina's 2023 General Public Budget. This interactive provides a breakdown of China's fiscal incomes and outlays within the general public budget. In 2023, China brought in RMB …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Does China Really Spend on its Military

WEBChina’s rising defense spending is closely linked to its burgeoning gross domestic product (GDP). Since 2000, China’s defense expenditure as a share of its GDP has hovered at …

Category:  Health Go Health