Betta Fish Care Guide 101

Fortunately, there aren’t very many Betta diseases that you’ll need to deal with. If you keep general conditions right, then you shouldn’t have to deal with diseases. The keys for a … See more

Actived: 3 days ago


Common Betta Fish Illnesses and Diseases: A Comprehensive Guide

WEBThis is usually the result of an argument with other fish or the fish swimming into something. 5. The Fish has Open Sores or Ulcers. Several of the more severe betta …

Category:  Health Go Health

Feeding Your Betta While You Are Away

WEBAdding more adult fish increases, rather than decreases, the number of fish you need to feed. While water changes would still be required, this approach could …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bladder Snails And Betta Fish

WEBSnail overpopulation is a common problem in tanks with Bladder snails, and leads to water quality issues. Preventing overpopulation is crucial, and accomplishable …

Category:  Health Go Health

Anubias In Betta Tank

WEBAs for your Betta, strong lights may stress it and weaken its immune system. Anubias prefer slightly acidic to neutral water, with pH between 5.5 – 7.5, and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Fin Rot Vs. Fin Tera In Betta Fish

WEBFin rot usually eats the fins from the edges inward. It may look slightly “blurry,” since the fin isn’t torn or battered, the bacteria just eat away the pieces. This …

Category:  Health Go Health

Rabbit Snails And Betta Fish.

WEBLet’s get into it. Rabbit Snails in a Nutshell. Popular name: Rabbit Snails, Elephant Snails Scientific name: Tylomelania spp. Size: Up to three inches long Life …

Category:  Health Go Health

9 Easy Carpeting Plants For Betta Fish

WEBToss it into your tank or flatten it and affix it to a rock or piece of wood. Brown bits on the moss ball are considered normal, and this plant grows very slowly. This plant …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Ultimate Guide To Aquarium Substrate Choices Fishtanko

WEBSimply: Rinse the substrate thoroughly to remove debris and contaminants. Ensure that the bottom of the tank is clean (remember to wash and rinse it thoroughly if …

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Clean A Betta Fish Tank A Maintenance Guide

WEBStick one end of the gravel cleaner into the tank and suck on the hose. This gets the water moving. Place the dirty water in a bucket. Move the gravel cleaner around …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cabomba (Fanwort) Aquarium Plant Care Guide

WEBWater hardness: soft to moderately hard. Temperature: tropical, between 72 – 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Lighting: Full-spectrum medium – strong for extended hours …

Category:  Health Go Health

Fiddler Crabs Tank Setup and Care Guide: Everything You Need to …

WEBThey need a minimum tank size of 10 gallons for three to four crabs. They prefer shallow water and a large surface area. A long or wide tank is better than a tall or …

Category:  Health Go Health

Breeding Betta Fish

WEBShould have gentle filtration. Should have soft, mildly acidic (6.5-7.5) water. Needs a temperature of 80-86°F. It takes around a month to breed bettas successfully: …

Category:  Health Go Health

Are Ghost Shrimps Good Tank Mates For Bettas

WEBBetta fish and ghost shrimps, do they make good companions? The answer is more complex than a simple yes or no. In some cases, ghost shrimps are great for …

Category:  Health Go Health

Red Claws Crab Aquarium Care Guide

WEBRed Claw Crabs can be kept in either a paludarium or an aquarium with a low water level and decor extending above the water line. These crabs are not fully …

Category:  Health Go Health

Vampire Crabs Paludarium Care Guide: Essential Tips for a

WEBRemove any uneaten food to maintain proper water quality in the paludarium. A balanced diet and consistent feeding schedule is crucial for the overall …

Category:  Food Go Health

Thai Micro Crab Aquarium Comprehensive Care Guide: Tips For A …

WEBBasic Care Requirements. The ideal tank for Thai micro crabs is at least 5 gallons, and should include lots of plants, driftwood, and hiding spots since these tiny …

Category:  Health Go Health

Can Blue Crayfish and Guppies Coexist Peacefully in a Pet

WEBKey water parameters to monitor include: Temperature: Guppies thrive in water temperatures between 74-82°F, while blue crayfish prefer temperatures in the …

Category:  Health Go Health