
Health and Medicine Research News Articles Futurity

WEBThe latest research news from top universities about topics related to health and medicine.

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URL: https://www.futurity.org/category/health-medicine/

How can you keep your microbiome healthy

WEBAs a whole, the public will try anything to attain and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but some modern-day practices intended to improve health and medicine are …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

Nature can boost health of people in cities

WEBYour local city park may improve your health, according to a new study. The research shows how access to nature in cities increases physical activity, and therefore, overall …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why you should worry about plastic and your health

WEBWe can directly link plastic trash to mosquito abundance and human disease. This is on top of the macro effects plastic has on our marine food chains and sustainability. Finally, …

Category:  Food Go Health

Heat can harm your body and your mind

WEBA. A growing body of evidence suggests that days of high temperatures may negatively affect our mental health. For example, a recent study in New York found that hot days …

Category:  Mental health Go Health

Writing down feelings after food can lead to healthy eating

WEBTeaching people to observe and document how they feel after eating certain foods can be a highly effective way to encourage healthy eating and other positive lifestyle changes, …

Category:  Food Go Health

Wildness in parks can make you feel better

WEBExperiencing wildness is particularly important for physical and mental health, according to a new study on urban parks. As metropolises balloon with growth and sprawl widens the …

Category:  Mental health Go Health

'Migration stigma' has an effect on immigrant health

WEBDuring a period of heightened global migration, a new article and book dig into the human cost of anti-immigrant rhetoric and the role of “migration stigma” in health.

Category:  Health Go Health

Time to unlink work and health insurance in the US

WEBHere, Raz explains why it’s time to uncouple the link between health insurance and work in America: Over 3.2 million Americans filed unemployment claims last week, a 3 million …

Category:  Health Go Health

Stress takes a toll on caregivers at the cellular level

WEBThe stress caregivers of spouses with memory impairment face is linked to negative physical and mental health effects, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, …

Category:  Mental health Go Health

Wildlife rehab records show human impact on animals

WEBA look at more than 600,000 wildlife rehabilitation center records reveals the human impact on North American wildlife, from lead poisonings to window strikes to vehicle collisions.

Category:  Health Go Health

These factors predict who'll live 2, 5, or 10 more years

WEBAt five years beyond the original blood draw, just being of a younger age was predictive of longevity, along with cognitive function. And among the longest survivors—those living …

Category:  Health Go Health

Better data would ease gaps in rural public health

WEBA new effort to compile better data on rural public health could help address the startling health gaps between people in rural and urban areas. In Washington, for instance, rural …

Category:  Health Go Health

Missing nature during COVID took a mental toll on young adults

WEBTwo new studies link declines in outdoor activities and park use during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic to reductions in mental health measures for teens and young …

Category:  Mental health Go Health

Black Death shows how disease changes daily life

WEBThe idea of public health—health as a common and collective good—predates the Black Death and was never only about disease. It also encompassed the infrastructure that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Depression rates are even worse in 2021 than in 2020

WEBDepression among adults in the United States tripled in the early 2020 months of the global coronavirus pandemic—jumping from 8.5% before the pandemic to a staggering 27.8%. …

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

COVID-19 spreads much faster in big cities

WEBCOVID-19 has attacked big cities in the US at much higher rates, according to new research. The research shows that, for example, in the New York metropolitan area …

Category:  Health Go Health

Lonely older adults live fewer years and not as well

WEBLonely older adults are more likely to live shorter lives than their peers and spend less of their remaining life in good health or being active, according to a new study in Singapore …

Category:  Health Go Health

1 in 5 US farmers binge drink alcohol to deal with stress

WEBOne in five US farmers report binge drinking alcohol when they experience high levels of stress, a new study shows. Farming is a uniquely stressful vocation.

Category:  Health Go Health

Watch: When will food prices go back down

WEBA. Domestically in the US, the March inflation report showed that food prices for home consumption were up 10% year over year. That’s the largest increase we’ve seen in …

Category:  Food Go Health

College athletes face high rates of mental health stigma

WEBThe researchers also found that student athletes specifically experienced high rates of mental health stigma. This suggests that mental health campaigns in athletic …

Category:  Mental health Go Health

Rising health insurance costs have ‘robbed’ American workers

WEBA new study shows that insurance premiums are holding back wage growth, especially for people of color. The new research shows that increasing health insurance costs are …

Category:  Health Go Health