
Perception and Cognition

WEBOur everyday experience suggests that the world is exactly as we perceive it. However, the information available via our senses is a priori incomplete, noisy and may allow for more than one interpretation (see Figs. 1 and 2).

Actived: 5 days ago

URL: https://www.igpp.de/wk/Wahrnehmung_und_Kognition_EN.htm

Dual Aspect Monism

WEBDual Aspect Monism. Correlations between mental and material states are an intrinsic feature of mind-matter models which consider such states as dual aspects of an underlying reality that itself is neither mental nor material. An early version of such a model is due to Spinoza, and since then variants thereof have recurrently been formulated

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IGPP Organizational structure

WEBResearch committee. The research committee prepares decision guidelines for the directors of the institute concerning project proposals. Basis for decisions are conformity to the statutes of the institute, quality, and the financial viability of …

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Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene …

WEBThe IGPP maintains a broad-based counseling, information, and education program for people with extraordinary experiences, a large special library and archive for parapsychology and frontier areas of psychology. One outstanding characteristic of the IGPP is its philosophy of neutrality and institutional independence.

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Investigating spiritual and meditation-induced crises historical …

WEBThe concept of spiritual emergency according to Grof and Grof: Spiritual emergencies are episodes of crisis-type, altered states of consciousness, which particularly revolve around

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IGPP location plan

WEBIGPP; Location plan; The institute is centrally located in Wilhlem Straße 3a, close to the main and bus stations. Connections from abroad:

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Perception and Cognition

WEB2002 PhD in Neurobiology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Thesis: Wahrnehmungswechsel bei mehrdeutigen Bildern - EEG-Messungen zum Zeitverlauf neuronaler Mechanismen. 1998 Magister Scientiarum (MSc) and 1. Staatsexamen in biology und mathematics at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

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Fanny Moser Award 2023

WEBThe announcement of the Fanny Moser Award 2023 focuses the topic of “RSPK” (recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis), poltergeist phenomena or hauntings. The award will be given for a scientific work (monograph, scientific article, dissertation, exhibition catalog or similar). The work must make explicit reference to the topic “RSPK”.

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“UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact.” (Dis

WEBJournal of Anomalistics Volume 22 (2022), pp. 18–35 “UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact.” (Dis)Information Campaigns on the UFO Phenomenon Andreas Anton, Fabian Vugrin1 Abstract – “UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact” was the headline of the re- nowned U.S. daily newspaper Washington Post on May 28, 2019. . …

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Zeitwahrnehmung und Zeitbewusstsein

WEBDie Befunde des Zusammenhangs zwischen unseren Gefühlen und subjektiver Zeit, sowie Konzepte des Selbstbewusstseins und der Körperwahrnehmung verbinden das Zeitbewusstsein eng mit emotionalen und körperlichen Zuständen. Neuronale Prozesse im insularen Kortex, die verbunden sind mit Gefühlen, Körperzuständen und dem Ich …

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Dr. Liane Hofmann_EN

WEBHofmann, L.: Investigating spiritual and meditation-induced crises – historical developments and current state. Symposium and Roundtable: The dark night of meditation: Understanding and overcoming difficulties on spiritual paths and in mindfulness practice. University of Edinburgh, 29 February 2020.

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Spirituality and spiritual crises Handbook on theory, research …

WEBWorking definition „spiritual crises“: The triggers of the crisis are spiritual excercises or practices. The contents of the crises are related to transcendence or an ultimate reality (relation to transcendence). The phenomena turn out to be „spiritually transformative“ in terms of a respective change of the previous self- and worldview.

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Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene

WEBDas Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene (IGPP), 1950 von Prof. Dr. Hans Bender gegründet, beschäftigt sich mit der systematischen und interdisziplinären Erforschung von bisher unzureichend verstandenen Phänomenen und Anomalien an den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Dazu zählen veränderte Bewusstseinszustände

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IGPP Veranstaltungen

WEBAufstieg und Fall der Biologischen Psychiatrie. Zoom-Zugangsdaten bitte hier per email erfragen: [email protected]. 11.06.2024. Dr. Gustav Keller. Offenburg. Heinrich Meng - ein Pionier der Psychohygiene. Zoom-Zugangsdaten bitte hier per email erfragen: [email protected]. 18.06.2024. Dr. Knut Graw.

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Dipl.-Psych. Wolfgang Fach

WEBWissenschaftlicher Werdegang. Studium der Psychologie und Philosophie an den Universitäten Trier und Freiburg. 1995 Diplom in Psychologie. Seit 1995 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IGPP und von 1996 bis 2001 an der Abt. Rehabilitationspsychologie der Universität Freiburg.

Category:  Health Go Health

The German Handbook Spirituality and Spiritual Crises“

WEBSpirituality and religiosity can be understood as the reference to a higher reality that transcends the individual personality. This higher reality is conceived of and designated differently, depending on the respective religio-cultural contexts. The term "religiosity" increasingly refers to the participation in the beliefs and practices of an

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