Body Mass Index for Men and Women

WEBIBW Men [lbs] = 106 + 6 × (height [inches] – 60) IBW Women [lbs] = 100 + 5 × (height [inches] – 60) So, in this case, the ideal body weight for a 5′ 5″ woman would be 125 …

Actived: 6 days ago


Ideal Body Weight Calculator

WEBHow Much Should You Weigh. When determining your ideal body weight, there are a number of variables you should take into account. The equations for ideal body weight …

Category:  Health Go Health

Body Fat Calculator

WEBBMI Body Fat Formula. Men: body fat = (1.20 × BMI) + (0.23 × age) – 16.2. Women: body fat = (1.20 × BMI) + (0.23 × age) – 5.4. BMI is a useful way to calculate body fat …

Category:  Health Go Health

Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter (°F to °C)

WEBThe temperature in degrees Celsius is equal to the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit minus 32, times 5, divided by 9. Insert the °F temperature measurement in the formula …

Category:  Health Go Health

Harris-Benedict Calculator (TDEE & BMR)

WEBTo convert inches to centimeters, multiply inches by 2.54. For example, take a 25-year-old, 6-foot-tall (72 inches) male that weighs 180 pounds. His weight in kilograms would be: …

Category:  Health Go Health

Height Converter

WEBAdd the inch value to the converted feet to get the height in inches. Multiply the height in inches by 2.54 to get the height in centimeters. Our feet to centimeters calculator also …

Category:  Health Go Health

Feet to Inches Conversion Calculator (ft to in)

WEBReviewed by. Ethan Dederick, PhD. To convert a measurement in feet to a measurement in inches, multiply the length by the following conversion ratio: 12 inches/foot. Since one …

Category:  Health Go Health

Child Height Percentile Calculator

WEBYou can also use a child height percentile calculator like the one mentioned above and type in these values to calculate the percentile. For example, if you have a 10-year-old boy …

Category:  Health Go Health

Child & Teen BMI Calculator

WEBImperial Units. BMI = weight [lb] height² [in²] × 703. The formula for BMI is the same for adults and children. However, the value is interpreted differently in children. In kids and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Body Shape Calculator – What Body Type Are You

WEBThere are four main body measurements that are used to determine your body shape. Use a soft measuring tape to take each of these measurements. You can always print a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Fluid Ounces to Milliliters Conversion (fl oz to mL)

WEBHow to Convert Fluid Ounces to Milliliters. To convert a measurement in fluid ounces to a measurement in milliliters, multiply the volume by the following conversion ratio: …

Category:  Health Go Health

Water Intake Calculator

WEB90 + 36 = 126 ounces. 180 + 36 = 216 ounces. One cup is equal to 8 ounces. So, when trying to determine how many glasses of water this is equivalent to, simply divide the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Maintenance Calorie Calculator

WEBThe most widely used formulas for BMR are the Mifflin-St Jeor formula and the Harris-Benedict equations.. Mifflin-St Jeor BMR Formula. For Men: BMR = (10 × weight [kg]) + …

Category:  Health Go Health

Baby Growth Percentile Calculator

WEBYou can also use a baby weight percentile calculator above and type in their age and weight values to calculate the percentile. For example, if you have a six-week-old boy who …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health & Fitness Calculator Widgets

WEBGet FREE health & fitness calculator widgets that you can add to your website! There’s no sign-up required and adding one of our calculators to your site is dead-simple. Simply …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Milliamp-Hours (mAh) to Watt-Hours (Wh) Conversion Calculator

WEBThus, the energy E in watt-hours is equal to the charge Q in milliamp-hours times the voltage V, divided by 1,000. By reversing this formula, you can also convert Wh to mAh . …

Category:  Health Go Health

Biweekly Pay Calculator

WEBbiweekly pay = hours per pay period × hourly wage. For example, let’s calculate your biweekly pay if you work 40 hours per week and earn $20 per hour. hours per pay period …

Category:  Health Go Health