Counselor Directory

WebTrained and Certified by the Original Intuitive Eating Pros. We get numerous requests from around the world from people who want to work with local health care providers.

Actived: 3 days ago


What is Intuitive Eating

WebIntuitive Eating is an evidenced-based, mind-body health approach, comprised of 10 Principles and created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. It is a weight-neutral model with a validated assessment scale and over 90 studies to date (Tribole 2017). It’s thrilling to see all the research and gives me great hope.

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Definition of Intuitive Eating

WebIntuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework, which integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought and was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. Intuitive Eating is a weight-inclusive, evidence-based model with a validated assessment scale and over 100 studies to date.

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Web4 Rev 9-25-17 SCOPE OF PRACTICE CONCERNING CERTIFIED INTUITIVE EATING COUNSELORS AND LAY FACILITATORS There are many different health professions represented among Certified Intuitive Eating

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Update About New Intuitive Eating Book, 3rd Edition!

WebThis is quick update to let you know that there are exciting things underway for Intuitive Eating in 2012. Intuitive Eating-New Edition. Elyse and I just finished our final tweaks on the manuscript for a newly updated Intuitive Eating (the 3rd edition), which will be released in July 2012. We are especially excited about this update because in

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Web4 Benefits of Becoming Certified Upon completion of the certification requirements you will receive the following: 1.Membership in the closed Facebook group--Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors (free). 2.Directory Listing in the Intuitive Eating Counselors/Facilitators Directory on website.

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10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Web10 Principles of Intuitive Eating. 1. Reject the Diet Mentality. Throw out the diet books and magazine articles that offer you the false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently. Get angry at diet culture that promotes weight loss and the lies that have led you to feel as if you were a failure every time a new diet stopped working

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The Difference Between Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating

WebMindful eating is a process of paying attention (on purpose), to your actual eating experience,without judgment. While this sounds straightforward, the process can be quite complex, especially for those inclined to multi-tasking. I consider Intuitive Eating a broader philosophy, which includes physical activity for the sake of feeling good

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Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure of …

Webare interrelated, and the presence of each is necessary to reflect intuitive eating (Tribole & Resch, 1995). A detailed discussion of each feature, including why it is considered adaptive, is presented

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Intuitive Eater's Holiday Bill of Rights

WebConsider your Intuitive Eating Bill of Rights, as we enter the holiday season, to help you foster inner peace with food, mind and body. 1. You have the right to savor your meal, without cajoling or judgment, and without discussion of calories eaten or the amount of exercise needed to burn off said calories. 2. You have the right to enjoy second

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Warning: Dieting Increases Your Risk of Gaining MORE Weight (An …

WebResearch on nearly 17,000 kids ages 9-14 years old found that dieting was a significant predictor of weight gain (Field et al 2003). Moreover, the risk of binge eating increased with the frequency of dieting. Boys and girls who dieted frequently, were 5 to 12 times, respectively more likely to report binge eating compared to their nondieting

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