
Best practice: Use health alerts with Azure Site-to-Site VPN …

WebSo, as a best practice: Configure your Azure VPN Gateway (the virtual device in Azure that connects to your On-Premises endpoint to establish the IPSec tunnel) for health alerts. …

Actived: 3 days ago

URL: https://jussiroine.com/2021/08/best-practice-use-health-alerts-with-azure-site-to-site-vpn-connections/

It's time to eat more vegetables

WebThus, I've started with broccoli to reach new heights and challenge myself. During as many meals (lunches and dinners) I'll strive to add broccoli on the plate. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Discovering and blocking legacy authentication in your Azure and

WebNavigate to Azure AD > Sign-ins, and from the top toolbar, select Add Filters, and as filters, add Client App. Now you can select the client apps you want to filter on, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Securing Microsoft Azure in 10 steps

WebMicrosoft Azure, with its numerous services and capabilities, is a significant platform. Depending on what a company might enable or employ from Azure, securing it …

Category:  Health Go Health

Changing from Data Gateway to Direct Connection in Power …

WebAdd a new machine group first, and give it a proper name. Next, hop to your Power Automate Desktop instance and click Settings and then Machine (preview) to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Best practice: Subscribe to Azure Advisor alerts and …

WebRecently, I started capturing the numerous best practices and recommended approaches on Microsoft Azure. You can view them all here. But why, though? Microsoft …

Category:  Health Go Health

Building a monitoring solution for Power Platform events using

WebBuilding a monitoring solution for Power Platform events using PowerShell, C#, Azure Log Analytics, and Azure Sentinel. I’m writing this from the beautiful and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Getting started with Ollama with Microsoft's Phi-2

WebFirst run with llama2. Let's try Ollama for the first time. First, install it from the website, and then run ollama run llama2. I'm using Ollama on my MacBook Pro, and this …

Category:  Health Go Health

Building a monitoring solution for Office 365 service availability

WebClick Add a permission, and select Office 365 Management APIs: Then, select Application permissions, as we’ll run this solution in the background without a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Hello, 2020! And thanks 2019

WebHello, 2020! And thanks 2019 - you were awesome! Yet another year has just ended, and it was memorable, and a great year. I was busy, met amazing people, spent a lot of time …

Category:  Health Go Health

An early look at the EU Data Boundary

WebAn early look at the EU Data Boundary. I briefly wrote about the EU Sovereign Cloud in March of this year. Fast forward to today, and we have the official …

Category:  Health Go Health

Checking and removing public access on Azure Storage accounts …

WebLet’s try this first on just one Storage account: az storage account update --allow-blob-public-access false --name STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME. And to verify it …

Category:  Health Go Health

Can you access Microsoft Azure if your firewall is blocking all traffic

WebThis one is easy. If you block and deny all traffic in your firewall, you cannot access any Azure services. Someone asked me this question a few months ago, and I …

Category:  Health Go Health

Modern notetaking with Obsidian (Also, goodbye, OneNote)

WebModern notetaking with Obsidian (Also, goodbye, OneNote) The first public version of Microsoft OneNote was released in late 2003. That was almost 19 years ago. I …

Category:  Health Go Health

Learning quickly as a consultant: Efficient learning strategies

WebIn my role as an architect, I’m often faced with limited time, scarce resources, and considerable expectations on how I deliver my services. It isn’t uncommon that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Synology DS412+ NAS device not supported for the new DSM 7.0

WebThe Synology devices’ operating system is called DiskStation Manager (DSM), and the latest release is 6.2.3. It’s a web-based interface that makes managing …

Category:  Health Go Health

Building an IoT soil moisture monitoring solution using Azure and

WebUse my Raspberry Pi 4 to ping the sensor a few times a day to get the readings. Push those readings to Azure using Azure IoT Hub. Alert me if the readings …

Category:  Health Go Health

Building an integration between Azure Sentinel and Unifi …

WebStep 3: Initiating Unifi solution configuration in Azure Sentinel. Before we can complete the Syslog configuration, we need to configure Azure Sentinel next. Within …

Category:  Health Go Health