The Scary Truth Between Toxic Home Environments and Adverse …

As a parent, you want to do right by your children. You love them, and you want to provide them with the best life possible. However, when you choose to stay with an abusive or toxic … See more

Actived: 4 days ago


Is Narcissism A Mental Illness or Something More

WEBAccording to the DSM-V, the answer is yes. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness associated with a persistent pattern of entitlement, lack of empathy, and grandiosity. However, the DSM-V was released in 2013, almost a decade ago. It might be fair to say that progress in mental health is far behind that of the medical field.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Healing Your Body after Narcissistic Abuse

WEBSharing is caring. 941. If you’re reeling in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse, it doesn’t take long to realize that your body feels like it has aged years. Your muscles are stiff, your joints hurt, you feel tired all the time (and it’s not from all the crying). You feel rundown, overwhelmed, and always seem to be a step or two behind.

Category:  Health Go Health

9 Secret Signs of Narcissism You Can’t Miss Once You Notice Them

WEBThat’s a huge ego hit. That’s why you’ll often find narcissists rambling on about topics they have no business speaking on. 2. They’re a Bad Friend. The narcissist is generally a bad friend but you’ll typically find them playing the victim. Make sure to get all sides of the story if you’re not sure.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Dark Triad: Are We Gaslighting Ourselves About Narcissism

WEBNarcissism is part of the dark triad. The dark triad falls under dark psychology, which looks mostly at insidious behaviors and analyzes manipulation, deception, mind control, and other malevolent schemes. The other two personalities that fall under the dark triad are psychopathy and Machiavellianism. What many of us are …

Category:  Health Go Health

The 5 Phases of Narcissistic Abuse and Trauma Recovery

WEBThis is where a tried and true narcissistic abuse recovery program can make all the difference. 3. One Foot in the Door Phase. The third of the key stages of healing after narcissistic abuse is very delicate. You start to rebuild your …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Dangers of Staying in a Relationship with a Narcissist

WEBThe constant strain of a narcissist on our nervous system can cause a great deal of damage to us neurologically and physically and unfortunately, this is often the final reason why people do decide to leave the relationship. Yes, it can take being seriously physically ill (or having our children to become narcissists, or worse, commit suicide

Category:  Health Go Health

Does Your ACE Score Put You At Risk For Narcissistic Abuse

WEBIf you have a high ACE score, it’s easy to become triggered by certain people, places, or feelings. These triggers may cause you to react inappropriately. For example, you might abuse alcohol or binge on sweets instead of taking care of your emotions. You may depend on external validation to feel loved and secure.

Category:  Health Go Health

8 REAL Phrases That Shut Down and Repel Narcissists

WEBHere are eight real phrases that disarm narcissists, causing them to repel and shut down. 1. “I’m going to need your help with the bills.”. Narcissists love their sob stories. They’ll say what they need to tug at your heartstrings to extract some money because of a bad situation like job loss.

Category:  Health Go Health

Healthy Boundaries vs. Unhealthy boundaries

WEBKim Saeed and Let Me Reach, LLC 2019 . Boundaries/Emotional Protection Fact Sheet “Boundaries make it possible for us to separate our own thoughts and feelings from those of others

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Deal with Adult Narcissistic Children

WEBIsolation. Oftentimes, the only surefire method in dealing with a narcissistic adult child is cutting off contact. It’s incredibly difficult to do this, especially when it comes to your children. Delete and block your child’s phone number. Be prepared for them to contact you anyway and be ready to walk away.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why the Narcissist is Not There for You in Your Time of Need

WEBThe one thing you should not expect is for a narcissist to be there for you during your time of need. Even in a situation where you have been diagnosed with a fatal health condition. That means nothing to them. What you should expect from them is to be extremely uncaring and indifferent towards your suffering, your pain, and your fear.

Category:  Health Go Health

6 Essential Oils for Heartbreak: How Aromatherapy Promotes …

WEBHere are just six essential oils for heartbreak that will give you the emotional strength to start healing. 1. Learn Acceptance with Chamomile. Chamomile is not only soothing, it’s an anti-depressant. The calming effect that it can have can help you reach a point of acceptance.

Category:  Health Go Health

Psychic Cord Cutting: Healing After Emotional Abuse and Trauma

WEBCords can be caused by many things…often, it’s because of an emotionally traumatic event or events. Or maybe we’ve allowed someone to disregard our boundaries, or perhaps we have no boundaries with those who are toxic to our mental and emotional well-being. A psychic cord can create severe problems on emotional, subconscious, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Can Narcissistic Abuse Cause Cancer

WEBEmotional abuse can cause severe physical problems as the body attempts to reveal the effects of the abuse through various symptoms. Over time, repressed feelings from being emotionally and verbally abused can cause cancer, heart disease, ulcers, back pain, and a host of other physical ailments. According to Foundation for Women’s Cancer:

Category:  Cancer Go Health

How to Make a Narcissist Miserable: 12 Things They Hate

WEB1 – Lack Of Acknowledgment. It’s no secret that most narcissists revel in admiration and validation (except for ‘closet narcissists’). They depend on constant approval to maintain their sense of intrinsic worth. To achieve this goal, they absorb (or steal) the energy of other people to feel good about themselves.

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Ways the Narcissist is Scheming to Destroy You Right Now

WEBScheme #5 – Just when you think you have made the narcissist happy, they pull the rug out from under you. The ultimate indicator that the narcissist has gained complete control over you is when you are consumed entirely with making them happy.. From the very beginning, the narcissist has groomed you to relinquish everything that is …

Category:  Health Go Health

13 Unsettling Things Narcissists Do When They Think No One Is …

WEB12 – Pave the way for their next relationship. You’ve probably read a hundred times how narcissists leave relationships and then swan dive right into a new one. Maybe this happened in the aftermath of your own relationship with a narcissist. The main reason this happens is that narcissists don’t bond with people.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Dark Neuroscience Behind Falling in Love: What You Need to …

WEBThe neuroscience behind falling in love shows that we experience all those teenage physical symptoms. Sweaty palms, stammering speech, increased heart rate, restless nights. That’s because the brain releases a surge of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine during the initial stages of attraction. Dopamine: Dopamine plays an …

Category:  Health Go Health