The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

WebThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) SDG 5 – By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births. The SDGs, unanimously adopted by the UN’s 193 Member States at an historic summit in September 2015, address the needs of people in both developed and developing countries, emphasising that no one

Actived: 1 days ago


White Ribbon Alliance

WebMaternity Worldwide is a member of The White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) for Safe Motherhood (WRA), an international coalition of individuals and organisations formed to increase public awareness of the need to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for all women and newborns worldwide.Members campaign for action in their own countries and at international level …

Category:  Health Go Health

Millennium Development Goal 5

WebBetween 2000 & 2015 the number of women dying in childbirth fell by 45% worldwide. Maternal survival has significantly improved since the adoption of the MDGs. The maternal mortality ratio dropped by 45 per cent worldwide between 1990 and 2013, from 380 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births to 210. Many developing regions have made steady

Category:  Health Go Health

Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Rural Zomba

WebProject Impact Objective 1: Improve quality and reliability of EmOC services and strengthened referral and feedback systems, leading to improved maternal and neonatal health

Category:  Health Go Health

Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Rural Zomba – Impact …

WebThe current population of 18.2 million is increasing with a birth rate of 2.8% per annum. 51% of the population is female1. At the start of this project the maternal mortality ratio was 370 per 100,000 live births. Zomba District is in the Southern Region and according to Malawian National Statistics Office (2008), there were 820,309 people, in

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Vision, Purpose, Mission and Values

WebWe believe that access to quality maternity and newborn services is a right and makes a vital contribution to the well-being of both individuals and communities. The underpinning values which guide us are that at all times we will work in ways which are: Passionate. Hard working. Innovative. Inspiring. Efficient. Sustainability.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why do women die in childbirth in low-income countries

WebUnsafe abortions were the 5th most likely cause, resulting in a further 24,000 deaths. The direct and measurable causes of deaths in pregnancy and childbirth are mainly: Severe bleeding (mostly after childbirth) Infections. High blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia) Unsafe abortions. These account for 80% of deaths.

Category:  Health Go Health

Maternity Worldwide – Saving lives in childbirth

WebWe provide maternal health programmes to save lives in childbirth in Africa. At Maternity Worldwide we have a vision of a world where all women, wherever they live, can give birth safely and without fear. We need your help to make that vision a reality. On average it costs just £15 to save a mother’s life during childbirth, whatever you can

Category:  Health Go Health

The Three Delays Model and our Integrated Approach

WebMaternity Worldwide uses an integrated approach to address each of the issues women face when trying to access safe childbirth. This is based on the Three Delays Model* which identifies three groups of factors which may stop women and girls accessing the maternal health care they need: 1: Delay in decision to seek care due to; The low status of

Category:  Health Go Health

Women's Group Open Day in Malawi

WebThe Open Day was fully organized by the women themselves to showcase how they had benefited from the project, and was presented to the Co-Founder of Maternity Worldwide, the Country Director, and the Zomba Civil Society Network. As part of our Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health Project in the Zomba District, Malawi, we work …

Category:  Health Go Health

Case Studies Archive

WebIn 2015, Maternity Worldwide introduced a project on improving maternal and newborn health to 80 villages in the Zomba region where Mary and Joseph Chimwanza live. As part of the project, Maternity Worldwide introduced Participatory Learning Action (PLA) activities to women’s groups in 80 villages in Zomba. At the meetings, participating

Category:  Health Go Health

Volunteer Overseas

WebVolunteer Overseas. By volunteering overseas with Maternity Worldwide, doctors, nurses, midwives and other professional staff will have the opportunity to play a vital role in saving the lives of countless mothers and babies during childbirth now and for the future. Whether you want to volunteer overseas by teaching medical staff in the health

Category:  Medical Go Health