
Specialist & General Health Services Minerva Health

WebWe fully believe in the quality of our services, and we're proud to say that our customers agree with us. Take a look at some of the stellar testimonials we've had from our previous clients. Minerva Health

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URL: https://minervahealth.nz/services/

Heart Health Testing Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Testing

WebHeart health assessments, whatever your age and fitness level. Find out how well one of your most important organs is working with a non-invasive heart function test at Minerva Health. Available as part of a holistic wellness assessment as well as a standalone heart check, the Heart Health Screen provides an all-important checkpoint of …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Blood Testing Services Comprehensive Blood Tests

WebA health professional will work with you one-on-one to guide you through the process and answer any questions you have. Here’s what to expect during your 30-minute appointment: 1. Stand on one leg and reach out as far as you can in 3 different directions. 2.

Category:  Health Go Health

Hydrotherapy and Hydrostatic Pressure: Keys to

WebHydrotherapy, or water therapy, is the use of water to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being. The buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, and temperature of water can stimulate various physiological responses that aid in recovery post-exercise. This includes improved blood circulation, reduced muscle soreness, and enhanced flexibility.

Category:  Health Go Health

Lung Function (Spirometry) Testing Minerva Health Auckland

WebOur lung test uses a SpiroSonic Spirometer, a small machine attached to a mouthpiece. This measures the volume and speed of air being inhaled and exhaled, providing valuable information about your lung function. The entire process takes around 15 minutes and a Minerva health professional can guide you through and answer your questions.

Category:  Health Go Health

Body WOF: A Comprehensive Health Testing Package …

WebLiving a healthy and active lifestyle is essential for overall well-being. To achieve optimal health, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of your body's condition. Body WOF offers a comprehensive health testing …

Category:  Health Go Health

Nutrition & Dietetics Holistic Dieticians In Auckland

WebIt’s also linked to a lack of energy, training plateaus, poor skin health, and potential physical and mental illnesses. Take back control of your nutrition. Whether you need to manage a health condition, lose weight, or just feel healthier and more vibrant, book a consultation with our registered dietitian in Auckland and make it happen.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Mental Health Check Up Safeguard Your Emotional Health

WebA Mental Health Check-Up is a proactive step towards safeguarding your mental and emotional health. It involves a thorough assessment conducted by our registered psychologist. This comprehensive evaluation provides valuable insights into your mental well-being, identifies potential areas of concern, and equips you with strategies to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Balancing Nutrition for Optimal Health: Understanding and …

WebRegular occurrence of such fluctuations can increase the risk of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Strategic Meal Planning: The Order Matters. The order in which we consume different components of our meals can influence post-meal blood glucose and insulin levels. As reported in Diabetes Care, consuming proteins and

Category:  Health Go Health

Health & Wellness Coaching Discover A Happier, Healthier You

WebFrom stress management and emotional resilience to guidance in forming health nutritional and fitness habit, Jenna offers a holistic approach to well-being. She understands that well-rounded health is the foundation for outstanding performance in all areas of life. Discover the path to a healthier, happier you with Jenna.

Category:  Nutrition,  Fitness Go Health

Strength & Grip Testing Auckland Minerva Health

WebThis comprehensive assessment focuses on the importance of engaging your “fast twitch’ or type-2 muscle fibres. Essential for power-based activities and explosive movements, these fibres naturally diminish as we age, and our overall strength and agility take a hit. Targeted training enhances the function and longevity of these fibres, with

Category:  Health Go Health

Functional Movement Testing in Auckland Minerva Health

WebGet a whole-body functional movement test. A Functional Movement Screen is a 30-minute whole-body functional assessment. A simple series of tests identify any imbalances in your movement patterns that may be affecting your performance, increasing your risk of injury, or limiting your ability to reach the fitness levels you’re capable of.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness: Interweaving Exercise

WebThe significance of managing stress, cortisol levels, and prioritizing recovery emerged as a crucial theme in our health narrative. Striking a balance between exertion and recovery prevents overtraining, promotes adaptation, and ensures that we maintain optimal health and performance levels. Mental Resilience and Brain Plasticity: The Mind-Body

Category:  Health Go Health

Respiratory Testing & Services Diagnose Breathing Issues

WebStep 1: Awareness. Recognise inefficient, symptomatic and maladaptive breathing patterns. Step 2: Action. Restore an efficient, functional and adaptive breathing pattern. Step 3: Advantage. Relieve symptoms, enhance health and peak performance. Book A Breathing Pattern Assessment. Minerva’s Respiratory Service is rooted in:

Category:  Health Go Health

Exercise and the Brain: Harnessing the Power of Plasticity

WebPhysical exercise has emerged as a powerful stimulus for neuroplasticity. A landmark study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology showed that regular aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling, stimulates the growth of new neurons in the brain, a process known as ‘neurogenesis’. Importantly, these effects were most profound in the hippocampus, a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Hypertrophy: Building Strength and Size for Better Health and …

WebIn simple terms, hypertrophy refers to the increase in muscle size that results from regular strength or resistance training. The process involves creating micro-tears in the muscle fibers through intense exercise, which the body then repairs and reinforces during rest, making the muscle stronger and larger.

Category:  Health Go Health

Y Balance Testing at Minerva Health, Auckland

WebThe Y Balance Test (YBT) is a 30-minute assessment used by professionals in sports and healthcare. Now, Minerva is making it available to everyone. YBT is the latest advancement in balance testing, providing a fast, easy and reliable way to measure dynamic balance. The non-invasive process assesses your movements to identify any imbalances or

Category:  Health Go Health

Unlocking Peak Performance: Optimizing Nutrition

WebAt Minerva Health and Wellness, we’re here to support you in harnessing the power of nutrition to enhance your training, performance, and longevity. Consult with our team to create a tailored nutrition plan that aligns with. your lifestyle and goals. Your journey towards peak performance starts here! Search for:

Category:  Nutrition Go Health