
NHS health Checks

WEBSandwell NHS Health Checks. Please select the appropriate option to proceed to booking your health check appointment. If you have received a letter invite on behalf of your GP …

Actived: 4 days ago

URL: https://nhshealthcheck.randox.com/

NHS health check-up eligibility

WEBSandwell NHS Health Checks. Please complete the below steps to check if you are eligible for this service. 1. Health check-up for adults in England aged 40-74, to help spot early …

Category:  Health Go Health

NHS health Checks

WEBPlease enter the NHS verification code that you have received either by e-mail or letter, into the field below. If you have not received a code, but think you are eligible for this service, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Randox NHS Sandwell Contact form

WEBAmend Appointment Date * Please provide us the date range you would like your amended appointment at.

Category:  Health Go Health