
Is dark chocolate good for you

Cocoa powder is regarded by nutritionists as an excellent antioxidant. This means it's great at fighting free radicals that cause damage to cells in your body. These … See more

Actived: 6 days ago

URL: https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/nutrition-advice/is-dark-chocolate-good-for-you

12 health benefits of beetroot

WebBeetroot can help people with heart failure and heart disease. Another health benefit of beetroot is its nitrate levels, which have been linked to increased power in our muscles - including our heart. A study reported in Circulation: Heart Failure reported that drinking a glass of beetroot juice improved muscle power in patient with heart failure.

Category:  Health Go Health

Are eggs good for you

WebEggs - mainly their yolks - contain: Vitamin B groups - including choline, a nutrient linked to improving health, liver and neurological (brain) health. 6 grams of protein - in contrast to the nutrients above, almost all of an egg's protein is found in the whites of an egg.

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

Is milk chocolate good for you

WebTo offset the natural bitter aftertaste of cocoa, milk chocolate contains a lot of added sugar. Sugar, of course, is bad for you. It's very calorific, so too much of it will lead to weight gain. This in turn can lead to issues such as diabetes and heart disease. It also allows plaque to form on your teeth and thrive, which will eventually cause

Category:  Course Go Health

Red Wine Health Benefits: What You Need To Know

WebThis is the most frequently highlighted health benefit of red wine. It contains a number of nutrients linked with a healthy heart, including: Polyphenols. These are powerful antioxidants that can protect your body from atherosclerosis, a condition that occurs when fat clogs your arteries. Quercetin. Quercetin comes from a group of plant-based

Category:  Health Go Health

Why you need copper in your diet and how to get it: A doctor's …

WebThe nervous system. Copper plays a role in strengthening the sheath that protects the outer layer of your nerves, while it also helps stimulate brain activity. Your body uses copper along with other micronutrients to create neural pathways that enhance your creative, decision making and memory abilities, as well as improving your mood.

Category:  Health Go Health

7 reasons why baking is great for your mental health

WebEveryone wins. 3. It improves concentration. A common symptom of many mental health issues is difficulty concentrating on a task. Baking forces you to buck that trend. Paying attention to what you're doing is much easier when there's an obvious (and in this case, delicious) reward for your hard work.

Category:  Health Go Health

Is white chocolate good for you

WebYour average bar is about 60% sugar, which is terrifying for your teeth, your waistline and your blood sugar. 4. Watch out for fat. It won't surprise you to learn that something made of butter and milk is pretty high in fat. 100g of white chocolate contains about 32g of fat, which is nearly half of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 70g.

Category:  Health Go Health

11 benefits of drinking water

WebWhat water can do is help you change your eating habits. Drinking water before a meal will fill you up a little and, provided you eat at a moderate pace and allow your brain time to catch up with your stomach, you may eat less as a result. This, in turn, could help you lose some weight. 9. Protects against disease.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why are parsnips good for you

WebSupport heart health. Parsnips contain a high level of potassium. This mineral is known as a vasodilator, which means it widens the blood vessels. This lowers your blood pressure, which in turns reduces stress on your heart. This effect is complemented by the high levels of folic acid you'll get from parsnips, which reduces the level of

Category:  Health Go Health

6 Mental Health Benefits of Plants Push Doctor

WebThe more relaxed you are, the more likely you are to drift off into a restful sleep. Obviously, lavender can’t cure insomnia on its own, but it can certainly help as part of your bedtime routine. 3. Flowers can improve your memory. Specifically, rosemary can sharpen your powers of recall.

Category:  Health Go Health

Can growing a beard benefit a man’s health

WebSlows Ageing. The sun’s rays and the damage left behind by acne are just some of the factors that can make your skin look a little tired. By growing a beard, you can keep your skin looking younger and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Growing a beard can also prevent your skin from drying out. The skin produces natural oils that keep it soft

Category:  Health Go Health

What Does Spicy Food Do To Your Body

WebHeartburn. Spicy foods are often associated with heartburn, but the science doesn't actually back this up. Heartburn is a form of indigestion that occurs when stomach acid or undigested food passes back into your throat, causing a burning sensation. There's lots of potential triggers for heartburn, including fatty foods, alcohol and fizzy

Category:  Food Go Health

Is gin good for you

WebEase joint pain. If your joints ache, a small amount of gin could soothe your symptoms. Rather than pour yourself a glass, try soaking a jar of raisins in gin and snacking on one or two whenever joint pain strikes. For obvious reasons, try to avoid eating the whole jar in one go! 5. Avoid hay fever.

Category:  Health Go Health

Online Doctor & Prescription Services with a UK GP Push Doctor

WebJoin thousands of patients receiving medical advice, prescriptions, referral letters and sick notes through Push Doctor. Our online GPs, Physiotherapists and Pharmacists can treat almost anything that they can in a traditional face-to …

Category:  Medical Go Health

The health benefits of playing football

WebThe health benefits of football include: Improving heart health and blood pressure. Increasing muscle mass and bone strength in inactive individuals. Reducing body fat. Building strength, stamina and speed. Training your brain, improving concentration and coordination. Promoting teamwork, being social and boosting your confidence.

Category:  Health Go Health

Is Guinness good for you

WebThe truth is that Guinness contains around 0.3mg of iron per pint, which isn't significant enough to be of any health benefit, whether you've just donated blood or not. Men need 8.7mg per day, while women need 14.8mg. The yeast in Guinness (and indeed any beer) contains vitamin B12, which performs many vital functions including creating red

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

5 Recent Breakthroughs in British Medical Research

Web4. Rapid sepsis test developed in Strathclyde. There are 123,000 cases of sepsis in England alone each year, and 36,800 associated deaths according to NHS statistics. Sepsis now causes more deaths annually than lung cancer, which the NHS note to be the second biggest killer after cardiovascular disease.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Private Prescriptions Online Push Doctor

WebPrivate Online Prescriptions. Our NHS-trained GPs can issue private prescriptions online, following a consultation, with our paid service patients. These are then sent directly to you via SMS, ready for same day collection or delivery. Book appointment.

Category:  Health Go Health