
Health screening program: what are the best medical check-ups

A health screening program is a bundle of medical examinations, tests and specialist consultations which should be customized according to each patient characteristics and needs in order to … See more

Actived: 6 days ago

URL: https://www.ricktroy.com/health-screening-program-what-are-the-best-medical-check-ups/

What are the 8 Hallmarks of Health

WEBIn the following sections, we will explore each of these hallmarks in detail, discussing their role in maintaining health and how they could be harnessed to prevent disease and promote overall well-being. The 8 Hallmarks of Health. Integrity of Barriers. Containment of Perturbations. Recycling and Turnover.

Category:  Health Go Health

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with differential Test: normal range …

WEBJanuary 22, 2022. Richard Troy. The complete blood count (CBC) is the most commonly prescribed blood test and is used to assess overall health and to diagnose or screen for a wide range of diseases and conditions, including infections, anemia, and blood cancers (leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma). A CBC is sometimes also called Full Blood Count

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Why is too much salt bad for you

WEBExcess salt may cause discomfort to your stomach and belly as well as bloating due to fluid retention. Hypertension. The most known effect of sodium is that it raises your blood pressure. Swelling. Besides the abdomen, puffy face, hands, feet, and ankles are common in people eating too much salt. Thirst.

Category:  Health Go Health

SpO2 – Normal blood oxygen levels (saturation)

WEBIn a healthy person, a normal oxygen saturation is above 95%; it is considered abnormal in the 90-94% range and it requires medical attention below 90%. Obesity, smoking, old age are factors that affect oxygen saturation making it lower. Pulmonary diseases also may lower the SpO2: COPD patients for example have 88 …

Category:  Medical Go Health

14 Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera, the Superfood

WEB14 Health benefits and medicinal uses of Moringa Oleifera. Moringa oleifera is known to exhibit many potential health benefits such as being antibacterial, antiviral, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and more and has been widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of ailments and diseases.

Category:  Medicine Go Health

What is a lucency

WEBA radiopaque structure has high density and will result in a white color on the radiograph. This means that X-rays were absorbed and didn’t make it through. A lucency is an area of low density, hence appearing black in color, often highlighted in the report because unexpected such as in a tissue that is supposed to be radiopaque (white in color).

Category:  Health Go Health

Masculinizing Hormone Replacement Therapy guide for the FtM …

WEBMay 8, 2019. Richard Troy. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment for the transgender, transsexual or non-binary gender patients with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. Its goal is to relieve the dysphoria and lead to psychological well-being by minimizing the secondary sexual characteristics of the gender assigned at birth

Category:  Medical Go Health

Feminizing Hormone Replacement Therapy guide for the MtF …

WEBMay 15, 2019. Richard Troy. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment for the transgender, transsexual or non-binary gender patients with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. It is prescribed by the GP or by the specialist physician who is attending the patient with the aim of minimizing the secondary sexual characteristics which are

Category:  Medical Go Health

The complete guide for transitioning for FtM and MtF transgender

WEBIt stands for “female to male”. M2F or MtF refers to all the transgenders whose gender assigned at birth is the male one, while they feel to be part of the female gender, and that have begun the transitioning from one gender to the other. It stands for “male to female”. Belonging to a category other than cisgender is not considered a

Category:  Health Go Health

Guide to breast augmentation and implants for MtF

WEBRichard Troy. Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammaplasty or top surgery in the specific case of transgender women, is a plastic and reconstructive surgery procedure with the goal of creating a feminine and aesthetically accurate breast, harmonious with the patient’s body in order to make it congruent with …

Category:  Health Go Health

Male fertility supplements: best vitamins and minerals for men

WEBOmega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acid for male fertility. Antioxidants for male fertility. Coenzyme Q10. L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) Astaxanthin. Lycopene. The takeaway on supplements for infertility in men.

Category:  Supplements Go Health

Salmon DNA treatment: PDRN skin injection and use in …

WEBSalmon DNA is the marketable term that refers to Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN), a range of bioactive molecules derived from the purified and sterilized DNA extracted from the sperm of two fish species: chum salmon and salmon trout. The way PDRN is processed makes it safe for use without risks of triggering immune reactions.

Category:  Health Go Health


WEBFtM和MtF变性患者过渡的完整指南. 21 8 月, 2020. Richard Troy. 在这篇文章中,我们将简要地讨论从男性到女性 (MtF)和从女性到男性 (FtM)的转变。. 我们不会谈论性别转变的官僚主义,也不会谈论性别转变的法律方面,我们建议你阅读其他专门的网站。. 因此,我们将

Category:  Health Go Health


WEB辣木是一种对健康有多种益处的植物,也被称为奇迹树、鸡腿树或辣根树。 几个世纪以来,辣木在世界许多地区的传统医学和阿育吠陀医学中都被用于预防和治疗多种健康疾病,从感染到心脏病。 原产于印度和巴基斯坦,现已被引进并在南亚和东南亚、非洲、中美洲和南 …

Category:  Health Go Health

FtM SRS:变性男性的阴道切除术

WEB19 8 月, 2020. Richard Troy. 阴道切除术,又称阴道阴道切除术,是女性到男性 (FtM)变性手术 (SRS)的一种外科手术。. 手术包括两个步骤: 阴道切除术,也就是切除和去除阴道内层. 阴道缝闭术是一种通过在阴道管内缝合来封堵阴道的手术. 阴道切除术通常是一系列手术

Category:  Health Go Health

Características e causas da erupção cutânea no HIV+

WEBA erupção cutânea em fase inicial em doentes com HIV é também conhecida como erupção de seroconversão e é um dos muitos sintomas possíveis causados pela síndrome retroviral aguda desenvolvida após a infecção. A erupção cutânea consiste normalmente em manchas vermelhas planas (máculas) e pequenas saliências …

Category:  Health Go Health

Tabella conversione emoglobina glicata in glicemia media

WEBTabella conversione emoglobina glicata in glicemia media L’emoglobina glicata detta anche glicosilata o HbA1C è un esame del sangue in grado di mostrarci la media della nostra glicemia nei 3-4 mesi precedenti il test. Si tratta di un esame di routine nelle persone con diagnosi di diabete in quanto permette di monitorare l’efficacia della terapia … Tabella …

Category:  Health Go Health