
26: Medical Issues

WebA diagnosis of an acute, serious illness that is life threatening. A diagnosis of a chronic illness that eventually will lead to an early death. Sad affect, social withdrawal, anxiety, …

Actived: 8 days ago

URL: https://rnd.wiley.com/html/atp/26.html

Adult Treatment Planner

WebAnxiety. Adjustment disorder. Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder. Amphetamine-induced anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder. Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder. Cannabis-induced …

Category:  Health Go Health

33: Posttraumatic Stress

WebBehavioral Definitions. Exposure to actual or threatened death or serious injury that resulted in an intense emotional response of fear, helplessness, or horror. Intrusive, distressing …

Category:  Health Go Health

29: Paranoid Ideation

WebBehavioral Definitions. Extreme or consistent distrust of others generally or someone specifically, without sufficient basis. Expectation of being exploited or harmed by others. …

Category:  Health Go Health

4: Attention Deficit Disorder

WebEasily distracted and drawn from task at hand. Restless and fidgety; unable to be sedentary for more than a short time. Impulsive; has an easily observable pattern of acting first and …

Category:  Health Go Health

23: Low Self-Esteem

WebLack of pride in grooming. Difficulty in saying no to others; assumes not being liked by others. Fear of rejection of others, especially peer group. Lack of any goals for life and …

Category:  Health Go Health

14: Eating Disorder

WebBehavioral Definitions. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height - less than 85% of that expected. Intense fear of gaining weight …

Category:  Health Go Health

1: Anger Management

WebGoals. Decrease overall intensity and frequency of angry feelings, and increase ability to recognize and appropriately express angry feelings as they occur. Develop an …

Category:  Health Go Health

19: Grief/Loss Unresolved

WebBehavioral Definitions. Thoughts dominated by loss coupled with poor concentration, tearful spells, and confusion about the future. Serial losses in life (i.e., deaths, divorces, jobs) …

Category:  Health Go Health

25: Mania or Hypomania

WebDescribe mood state, energy level, amount of control over thoughts, and sleeping pattern. Assess the client for classic signs of mania: pressured speech, impulsive behavior, …

Category:  Health Go Health

20: Impulse Control Disorder

WebBehavioral Definitions. A tendency to act too quickly without careful deliberation, resulting in numerous negative consequences. Loss of control over aggressive impulses resulting in …

Category:  Health Go Health

31: Phase of Life Problems

WebBehavioral Definitions. Difficulty adjusting to the accountability and interdependence of a new marriage. Anxiety and depression related to the demands of being a new parent. …

Category:  Health Go Health

16: Family Conflict

WebBehavioral Definitions. Constant or frequent conflict with parents and/or siblings. A family that is not a stable source of positive influence or support, since family members have …

Category:  Health Go Health

21: Intimate Relationship Conflicts

WebFrequent or continual arguing with the partner. Lack of communication with the partner. A pattern of angry projection of responsibility for the conflicts onto the partner. Marital …

Category:  Health Go Health

35: Sexual Abuse

WebExtreme difficulty becoming intimate with others. Inability to enjoy sexual contact with a desired partner. Unexplainable feelings of anger, rage, or fear when coming into contact …

Category:  Health Go Health

18: Financial Stress

WebA long-term lack of discipline in money management that has led to excessive indebtedness. An uncontrollable crisis (e.g., medical bills, job layoff) that has caused past-due bill …

Category:  Medical Go Health