Health Content Marketing: 7 Insights to Stand Out in the Industry

WEBYour content needs to keep up with these changes and be based on the latest knowledge. It needs to be up to the minute, keeping in mind that health information published today may quickly go out of date. 4. Considering the Source. Establish a presence and reputation as a trusted authority on health information.

Actived: 4 days ago


How to Write Medical Content That Patients Will Understand

WEBClear – Your average patient is going to do an Internet search for the simplest terms. Make it easy for them to find you and easy for them to navigate your content to get the answers they are looking for. That will make them stay and make them take action. Concise – People today are on the go, speeding through time like a runaway rollercoaster.

Category:  Health Go Health

How Mature is Your SEO Strategy

WEBgenerated. Back Next. Take this quick assessment by Rock Content to help diagnose your current SEO strategy for your business, and help identify where to focus efforts to evolve to the next stage on the maturity curve.

Category:  Health Go Health

Want to be a Medical Writer

WEBThe minor drawback (at least for this writer) is the site’s ‘busy’ appearance: lots of diverse information, subheadings, graphics and tabs clutter the pages making it a bit confusing when trying to choose a topic but if you can get past that, there are plenty of well-written articles and general health information available here.

Category:  Health Go Health

Local SEO for Doctors: 8 Strategies that Work Every Time

WEB8. Create plenty of incredible content. And, of course, no local SEO for doctors’ campaigns could be considered complete without a solid content marketing strategy. Google favors sites that produce consistent streams of helpful content that address its users’ needs, so make sure yours is doing that.

Category:  Course Go Health

Medical Information Literacy: Pamphlets or Infographics, What …

WEBMedical pamphlets or posters have been doctor’s office mainstays for many decades. They promote healthy habits, like good nutrition or exercise; explain the risks of unhealthy habits, like smoking or drinking alcohol to excess; and educate about specific medical conditions, like high cholesterol or diabetes. Most include a call to action

Category:  Nutrition,  Medical Go Health

ion interactive Status

WEBMay 17, 2024. No incidents reported. May 16, 2024. No incidents reported. May 15, 2024. No incidents reported. May 14, 2024. No incidents reported. Welcome to ion interactive's home for real-time and historical data on system performance.

Category:  Health Go Health

Salud de marca: ¿qué es y cómo medir la de tu empresa

WEBSalud de marca — brand health en inglés — es una medida que estima qué tan bien una marca cumple ciertos atributos de su promesa hacia sus clientes y cómo es percibida por los consumidores. En líneas generales, ayuda a estimar el desempeño universal de tu marca y ofrece una comparativa con respecto a tus principales …

Category:  Health Go Health

Google UX Algorithms & Updates

WEBAn Interactive History. Google has long prioritized user experience, whether in its core algorithmic updates, new features, products, or SERP format changes. While some of these Google changes have involved updates to target low-quality content, links, and spam, other updates aim to understand consumer behavior and intent.

Category:  Health Go Health

Improve Your Eating Habits With 5 Infographics on Nutrition

WEBTo rekindle your interest in healthy eating (we know those brochures at your doctor’s office can be boring), here are five infographics on nutrition. 1. Your health and the food you and your family eat are worth investing in year-round. And you can definitely learn to balance frugality with quality and conscientious choices.

Category:  Nutrition,  Food Go Health

Legalizing Marijuana: 14 Infographics That Explain the Issues

WEB1. To start with, here’s a list of Ten Reasons to Legalize Marijuana. 2. Just like any substance, marijuana has some health benefits, and side effects. Here are ten health benefits. 3. And here are ten health side effects. 4. With Medical Marijuana being legalized in 18 states, in some cases the health benefits obviously outweigh the side

Category:  Medical Go Health

Why Education Is Essential for Insurance Clients

WEBThis is why insurance companies need to educate their audiences if they have any hope of turning them into viable leads. Once prospective clients are aware of the benefits and uses for certain types of insurance policy, they are far more likely to pursue coverage options. Commonly Misunderstood Insurance Policies.

Category:  Health Go Health

Love the Outdoors: 11 Infographics About Camping

WEBHere are 11 graphics about camping to help you get prepped. 1. The Adventure Checklist isn’t really an infographic, but it is so useful we had to include it. 2. This short piece on the Anatomy of a Picnic also provides a checklist of sorts, although it may be a bit luxurious for many camping trips. 3.

Category:  Health Go Health

Visualizing Your Daily Brew: 20 Infographics About Coffee

WEBHere’s a list of 20 coffee infographics to start your day: 1. Let’s jump straight to it: caffeine is the main reason people drink coffee. The Caffeine Poster shows relative amounts of caffeine in different brands and sizes of coffee, as compared to other beverages. Browse more data visualizations. 2.

Category:  Health Go Health

20 best coffee infographics with examples and images!

WEBHere’s a list of 20 coffee infographics to start your day: Coffee is a daily habit for more than half of American adults ( 58%, to be precise ), so it’s no wonder there are so many visualizations devoted to that wonderful-smelling, hand-picked, roasted bean! 1. Let’s jump straight to it: caffeine is the main reason people drink coffee.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Connection Between Humor and Memory Recall

WEBShock factor works every time and when you include humor, it becomes a power-packed punch that will create an immediate connection. Studies have shown that humor can enhance memories, especially if the person is excited about what they are seeing. In some cases, the best way to take a risk is to be brutally honest.

Category:  Health Go Health

Writing from Personal Experience: Today’s Self-Help Writers

WEBBy writing about what they have gone through and sharing it with others, the authors enforce the positive messages within themselves, further their own motivation, and showcase to others that improvement happens to real people. Inner Body shares the most central tip on self-help writing: “Experience is the best teacher.

Category:  Health Go Health

12 Ice Cream Infographics

WEB3. Speaking of ice cream consumption, it varies among different regions in the United STates, as well. Ice Cream Country highlights the top ice cream consuming cities and states. Ice Cream Country infographic. 4. Ice cream isn’t the only frozen treat, of course. Gelato is a great frozen snack. Good Day for Gelato infographic.

Category:  Course Go Health

Using Infographics to Educate the World About Human Rights

WEBThe following graphics deal with sexual abuse around the world. 5. The Affect of Sexual Violence Throughout a Woman’s Life: A static graphic about the life-long impact of sexual abuse. From Visually. Embed the above image on your site. 6. The Time is Now is a great infovideo about sexual abuse worldwide.

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Create Gardening Content From the Heart

WEBIn order to build content quickly, focus first on those broader topics, whether you’re doing the writing yourself or turning to freelance writers. As your blog entry ideas dwindle, circle back to some of the plants and techniques mentioned in passing for ideas on newer content. In addition, a “Plant of the Week” post is an obvious way to

Category:  Health Go Health

Professional Writer Associations: Are They Worth the Time

WEBMember benefits include the legitimacy of having “ASJA member” on a resume, access to job leads and the opportunity to join a personal mentoring program and work one-on-one with a writing professional. Yearly dues are $210 plus a $50 application fee. Writers Guild of America – The WGA offers a cornucopia of valuable tools to its …

Category:  Health Go Health