Health checks for men and women SBK

WebFrom the age of 35, skin cancer screening every two years is a statutory service and is charged through the health care card. SBK covers the cost of skin cancer screening up a max. of 25 euros each year as an extra service for customers aged 34 and younger. In Bavaria, Lower Saxony and Bremen, screening is covered by the health care card.

Actived: 7 days ago


Expat health insurance in Germany SBK

WebThe general applicable rate for statutory health insurance is currently 14.6% and the additional contribution for SBK is 1.7% – making 16.3% altogether. Of that, your employer pays half.

Category:  Health Go Health

Advice and services SBK

WebWhat are the essentials for extended periods abroad? Instead of contacting a call centre, you can speak to your personal SBK consultant, who will be ready and waiting to give you the support you need. This is just one of the reasons that sets us apart as a …

Category:  Health Go Health

One element of the social system:

WebSocial insurance encompasses health, pension, nursing care, accident and unemployment insurance. In order to protect all people eligible to benefit from the German social system in case of need, the contribution level depends on your income. For everyone: statutory health insurance. Statutory health insurance is an important part of the social

Category:  Health Go Health


WebSBK - We are on your side. SBK is one of the largest company health insurance funds in Germany. More than one million insurants rely on the expert advice, the multi-award-winning customer service and the excellent services that are provided. Anybody can sign up with SBK, regardless of employer. The needs of all our insureds are always our top

Category:  Health Go Health

Medical aids SBK

WebAll insurants aged 18 and older pay 10% of the sales price of every medical aid – at least €5.00 but no more than €10.00. A monthly co-payment is charged for all consumables, such as incontinence products. This co-payment is also 10%, up to a maximum of €10.00. Aids required during pregnancy are exempt from co-payments.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Ihre neue Krankenversicherung SBK

WebIn order to send you your new SBK healthcare card, all we need is a photo of you. You can quickly and easily upload it online. Your new healthcare card will be sent to you no later than three weeks after the start of your membership. Until then, you can use this replacement certificate as proof of membership for doctors.

Category:  Health Go Health

Additional cover: Foreign travel insurance SBK

WebAnnual contribution including 10% SBK discount. 64 or younger. €26.91. 65 to 69. €49.32. 70 or older. €80.82. Note: Children are insured under the family tariff until they reach the age of 25. Tip: If a maximum of 2 people under the age of 64 are insured under the family tariff, then insurance under the individual tariff is cheaper for

Category:  Health Go Health

Fimo Health App SBK

WebGründer Alexander Krawinkel im Interview: Erfahren Sie, wie die Fimo Health App Menschen mit chronischen Erkrankungen wie Long Covid oder Krebs dabei unterstützt, ein besseres Leben zu führen.

Category:  Health Go Health

Digitale Gesundheit: Chancen und Trends SBK

WebDigitale Gesundheit: Chance für Patienten, Ärzte und Krankenkassen. Welche Trends und Chancen hält die digitale Gesundheit bereit? Wir wagen einen Blick in die Zukunft. Die Digitalisierung hat im Gesundheitswesen Einzug gehalten und wird es revolutionieren – sowohl im medizinischen, pflegerischen als auch im administrativen …

Category:  Health Go Health

Gesundheitskurse SBK

WebGesundheitskurse - Ihre SBK-Vorteile: Alle Gesundheitskurse sind qualitätsgesichert und werden nur von qualifizierten Trainerinnen und Trainern durchgeführt. Wir erstatten Ihnen 75 % der Kursgebühren bis zu einer Höhe von 80 € - zweimal im Jahr. Für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem Gesundheitskurs erhalten Sie mit unserem

Category:  Health Go Health

Nebenwirkungen der Antibabypille – eine Übersicht SBK

WebIn der Packungsbeilage des jeweiligen Präparats sind detailliert alle Nebenwirkungen der Antibabypille und ihre Häufigkeit aufgelistet. Zu den Nebenwirkungen zählen: Blutungsstörungen. Eierstockzysten. Blähbauch. Übelkeit. Gewichtszunahme. Psychische Beeinträchtigungen wie Stimmungsschwankungen.

Category:  Health Go Health